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Is there a fast way to pay your credit-card bill?

December 7, 2010

Woops! your unpaid credit-card bill is due today – and the check just isn’t in the mail. How many times has that happened to you? In this busy world we live in, it is unusual for it to not happen. You can probably avoid a late fee by paying over the phone or online. Just make sure you have your card and bank-account routing numbers handy.  Here are a few tidbits from some of the big companies.Credit Card Payments

  • American Express: gives you until 10P.M. eastern time to pay online or by phone.
  • Wells Fargo: takes payments until midnight and doesn’t charge for any payment services.
  • Capital One: requires payment by 5 P.M., allows you to pay online or use an automated phone service or talk to a person.
  • Citibank: requires payment by 5 P.M.. allows you to pay online, or use an automated phone service BUT if you talk to a person they charge you $14.95. (!?!?)
  • Chase: requires payment by 5 P.M., allows you to pay online or use the phone service but like Citibank they also charge you $14.95 to talk to a live person, and they allow you to do that until midnight. (!?!?)

Or you can do what I do, and that is set up reminders a day ahead time that let you know the bill is payment is due. Items like the utilities or my office rent I have on automatic payment, just so I can still say the check is in the mail. At GAI ( we want to help you with all of your financial issues and sometimes that means just helping you come up with workable solutions. So call us today at 212-979-6830 or stop by for a visit. See you soon!

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